Monday, January 23, 2012

Last of my West Texas photos

The beautiful open blue sky is one of the things I love most about West Texas.  Below are the rest of the pictures I took at the beginning of January when David and I drove from Paris to Denver City and back.  The pictures include Bud Mathews, Post, Albany, Hobbs New Mexico, Lamesa, Seminole, Lovington New Mexico, Denver City and Palo Pinto, Texas. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Canada Geese in Migratory Pond in Brownfield TX

Just before David and I got to Brownfield Texas we saw wave after wave of Canada Geese flying overhead.  I tried to get some shots of them flying over the fields but I just didn't have the right lens.  As we drove through Brownfield we saw thousands of the geese resting in the City Park on the ponds.  My thought is it was the only water for miles around.  The local waterfowl seemed none too happy about the intruders!  We stayed about an hour photographing and watching the antics of the waterfowl.  It was magical.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Landscapes of West Texas

There are certain landmarks I look for when I travel home to West Texas.  The old vintage signs along the two-lane highways tell me that I'm getting closer to Denver City or that I'm moving further away. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Windows to West Texas

The first of January David and I piled all of our camera equipment into the car and headed West.  The windows in the stucco houses and buildings captivated me throughout the whole trip.  Here are a few of the images that I have edited so far from Plains, Brownfield, Clairemont, Haskell, Jayton and Tahoka.

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